20 May 2009

our past loves

An interesting piece of information has been plastered on Google. Apparently scientists have unveiled a fossil that they are calling Darwinius Masillae. It's a lemur-like skeleton. According to National Geographic News , "The fossil bridges the evolutionary split between higher primates...and their more distant relatives such as lemurs." I encourage all to click on the link and read more if you are interested in evolution.

Today in 1916, the Saturday Evening Post issued it's first cover illustrated by Norman Rockwell. This one is exciting to me because I was lucky enough to make it over to Mobile, Alabama, and see the Norman Rockwell exhibit going on at their art museum. He really is one of those great artists that are deserving of praise...

"Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing a Jimmy Stewart imitation of myself."
The quote was given by Jimmy Stewart himself who would be celebrating a birthday today (1908). And now is the perfect time to add that IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE ranks tops in the five movies I have to watch around Christmas time (A Christmas Carol, A Christmas Story, White Christmas, and The Santa Claus are my other 4, in case you were wondering). He was also the first movie star to enter the military, joining for WWII, and soon became decorated with a number of medals for his service.

"Love it or hate it, Cher wears what she damn well wants."
--Joan Rivers--

How true is that statement? The singer/actress is 63 today (1946). And though most of Cher's outfits are flops in my opinion, you gotta give the woman credit for wearing it anyways...


Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

I love Norman Rockwell. His illustrations are so full of life.

loveology said...

Nice post, dear!


kelse said...

haha ohhh cher. she's a crazy one

Amelia said...

Norman Rockwell is brilliant. So iconic!

yiqin; said...

Great post!I love the cher quote!

Ash Fox said...

i love the etchings. awesome blog!