23 July 2009

Let's all go to Wonderland...

I'm still anticipating the new Alice in Wonderland movie. I've already blogged about the characters and their costumes here, but now I have some fashion ads for you to invoke a tea party that I think the Mad Hatter and March Hare would be proud of...


Anonymous said...

You chose the pictures wonderfully :)

Anonymous said...

I love all the pictures in here! The first one with that 3D-looking 'NO' is absolutely magnetizing XDD

Couture Carrie said...

Love the inspiration for this post! Perfectly surreal images, darling! Especially loving the green bathing suit pic with the tiny couch!


erika sorocco said...

I love you for this. Alice in Wonderland is one of my all-time favorite books and movies. Fabulous pictures! :)

Winnie said...

Oh you chose some fantastic photos. Love the one with the carousel in the background. So whimsical.

cannot wait for this movie either...

E said...

These are all so inspirational! I'm so excited for this movie!

Polished Sense said...

Love the black and white tee's of the playing cards. I am also amazed by the dress that looks like it has hula hoops in it!


Angela said...

how amazing. you are right mad hatter would be proud of these styles.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Ohhhhhhh, the one with the tree. Dreamy!

Anonymous said...

love that last photo...so pretty...great post!
btw, we're having something in common: same background, lol!

Merily said...

can't wait to see the movie!

Syed said...

That first jacket is so amazing, and I absolutely love the second to last image :) Gah, totally can't wait to see Alice In Wonderland!

Kira Aderne said...

I love love fantasy!

Thanks so much for passing by!

be welcome always!!

Kisses and hugs,


Adrianna Traxler said...

I love this post.