Today is the birthday of the amazing Anne Frank (1929). I know that kind of makes her sound like a magician, but she really was a heroic young girl. I love her diary; it's such a powerful and heartfelt story. Hiding from Nazis in occupied Holland during WWII is just a dreadful experience I hope no one ever has to live through again. The weird thing to imagine is that if she were still alive, she would be 80 years old.

The 3.1 Phillip Lim collection is another favorite. It's perfect for the girl who has to work a summer job, but also for one who has plans for a stylish vacation. Between the lace and the jumpsuit, and the jacket, it's almost too perfect.
pictures courtesy of

I love all those outfits!
this is the first time i've seen the collection properly- it's awesome!
thanks for your lovely comment (:
annah xx
Loved Anne Franks diary, made me closer to myself een though it was about some one elses problems. Also j'dore Philip Lim collection!
I can't believe I still haven't read her diary. I adored the play based off of it.
I love the dress in the 2nd picture and the shorts in that collection. It's so clean-looking, if you know what I mean.
I'm loving the Lim collection too.
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